
Date/2 Aprile 2024


What’s the difference between a feminist, and a woman?

  • I do not find particular differences between them, I like and appreciate the feminine universe and in my photographs I try to highlight the distinctive features of a female face.

You are shy?

  • I am not shy at all, on the contrary, I am a very outgoing and sociable person. The only thing that makes me feel shy is when someone is taking pictures of me.

Could you say that you feel better when you hide and hide your shyness behind the camera? We hide and start shooting

  • Yes, I feel much better behind a camera but I don’t want to to hide my shyness, I simply want to but to express my alter ego.

Do you have muses?

  • Of course I have, one in particular: she is my soul mate, my best friend, the one who inspires me and gives me valuable advice. Above all, she understands me without need to explain. She is the one that I have portrayed most in my pictures but I haven’t publishes very much these works.

What impact do you think Marta’s images have on the viewer in 2020?

  • It definitely is a return to a past or vintage kind of elegance that doesn’t need complex outfits, but whish highlights the refined and feminine side of a woman, denouncing at the same the state of conservation of a now disused but retro-looking location.

What is the most powerful image of the collection for you? And why?

  • I think the best one of this series is her naked scream, where she really expresses herself and her psychophysical state.

Do you ever feel objectified (treated as an object)?

  • I have never felt like this before or I simply haven’t realized it. I don’t like the objectification of a human being as I feel it is strongly unrespectful and I believe that it leads me to avoid every situation in where I could feel like that.

What do you hope to see happen in the near future?

  • I do really put my trust in the future, hoping that we can come back to a happier, healthier and peaceful lifestyle before this pandemic disaster. From a professional point of view I am expanding my views to the world of cinema as director of photography.

How do you generate new ideas?

  • It might seem like a joke, but in reality the best ideas come to my mind in the morning as soon as I wake up. I get in touch with the free models and try to put my thoughts into practice … I am very meteoropathic in reality, I like looking out and I try to get new ideas analyzing the lights outside my window .

What is your message to the utopian reader?

  • I want to give a message of simplicity: it takes a little to make good portraits. Right lights, right model and right location.

models –  Linda Primo, Alessandra Primo     hair stylists  – Mood Saloon, Musart     magazine – Utopian

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